Dan Pick Real Estate

Community Information

Remsen is a rural community located in Northwest Iowa. There is one Catholic church and two Protestant churches located in Remsen. Remsen has a public library, golf course, a newly renovated pool, two parks and several baseball and softball diamonds. There is a public (Remsen-Union Rockets) and a private (Remsen St. Mary's Hawks) grade school and high school in Remsen. Mostly made up of a German/Luxembourg heritage, Remsen celebrates Oktoberfest the last Saturday of October annually. Remsen has one of Iowa's longest running ballrooms - the Avalon. Recently the Avalon was inducted into the Iowa Rock & Roll Hall of Fame. Remsen has a volunteer fire and ambulance service that takes great pride in its' quick response and quality assistance. The motto for Remsen is: LITTLE LUXEMBOURG OF IOWA-NOT A TOWN, BUT A WAY OF LIFE.

Statistics & Facts

The population of Remsen is approximately 1513.
The approximate number of families is 595.
The amount of land area in Remsen is 2.755 sq. kilometers.
The distance from Remsen to Washington DC is 1074 statute miles. The distance to the Iowa state capital, Des Moines, is 151 statute miles. (Statute miles are "as the crow flies")
Remsen is positioned 42.81 degrees north of the equator and 95.97 degrees west of the prime meridian.
The average winter temperature is 20.9 degrees and we receive 31.6 inches of snow each year..
The average summer temperature is 73.3 degrees and we receive an average of 25.3 inches of rain each year.


Other Links of Interest

City of Remsen

Map of Northwest Iowa

Remsen-Union High School

Remsen Ambulance Service

History of Oktoberfest/Schueberfouer in Luxembourg

Iowa Farmer Today

University of Okoboji
(less than 1.5 hours away!)

University of Iowa Sports Page


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215 Jefferson St., Remsen, Iowa 51050
(712) 786-1417 Fax: (712) 786-1456

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